Harry William Dunkel
William Worthington and Margaret (Shook ) Dunkel
Born 02/13/1875 In Beaver Falls Pa
Died 05/21/1943 In New York
Daughter of
1875 - Harry William Dunkel is Born
There's a social Security record that says he was born in 1878
The death date is the same, so is this an error? I'm not familiar enough with this index, but if a claim was made in 1945 - it would be very interesting to see who made that claim, if at all possible.
Name: | Harry William Dunkel |
Birth Date: | 22 Feb 1878 |
Birth Place: | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania |
Death Date: | 21 May 1943 |
Claim Date: | 9 Mar 1945 |
SSN: | 237059056 |
Notes: | 09 Jun 1978: Name listed as HARRY WILLIAM DUNKEL |
Name: H. W. Dunckle
Age: 5
Birth Date: Abt 1875
Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Home in 1880: Beaver Falls, Beaver, Pennsylvania, USA
Street: Main St
Dwelling Number: 72
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Son
Marital status: Single
Father's name: Wm. W. Dunckle
Father's Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Mother's name: Maggie Dunckle
Mother's Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Wm. W. Dunckle 32
Maggie Dunckle 29
H. W. Dunckle 5
Minnie M. Dunckle 2
1884 - Billposter at Opera House, Pittsburgh Pa
September 1 1884
Source - Obit appearing in the Billboard in May 1943
"For a number of years had his own shows on the road"
1898 - Harry Dunkel Married Annie
Name: William H. Dunkle
Age: 23
Birth Date: 13 Feb 1875
Birth Place: Braddock, Pennsylvania
Marriage Date: 25 Dec 1898
Marriage Place: Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA
Spouse: Annie J. Huffmire
Certificate Number: 20899
His occupation is given as Steel worker -which seems out of character. But in 1900 we see him married to Annie, working in the Opera House.
Annie is 5 years older than him and has a 9 year old child. I do not believe the child is his, as he would have been too young.
Annie is a bit of a mystery - but since she is a Huffmire, according to her marriage license, and she is NOT in the 1880 census with Lucartha & Thomas Ellis (Parents of her Nora) - I suspect she is the sister in law of Nora, not the sister. Norah Bell Ellis married a William Huffmeyer.

1900 Census
In the 1900 Census we find Harry married to Annie, and listed with a child.
Annie is 30 years old, 5 years older than Harry.
Under Number of Children, there is a 1 under Annie, and no mark under Harry,
leading me to believe that this child, 10 years old in 1900, was not the daughter of Harry
Harry's occupation is clerk in the Opera House, which we know from his obit in 1943, is his correct occupation.
Name: Harry Duncle
[Harry Dunch]
Age: 25
Birth Date: Mar 1875
Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Home in 1900: Allegheny Ward 4, Allegheny, Pennsylvania
Ward of City: 4th Precinct 1st
Street: Sandusky St
House Number: 309
Sheet Number: 1
Number of Dwelling in Order of Visitation: 14
Family Number: 19
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Son in Law
Marital status: Married
Spouse's name: Annie Duncle
Marriage Year: 1899
Father's Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Mother's Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Occupation: Clerk (In Opera H
Months Not Employed: 2
Can Read: Yes
Can Write: Yes
Can Speak English: Yes
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Ercartha Ellis 58
Bell Hoffmeyes 34
Annie Duncle 30
Golda Duncle 10
Harry Duncle 25
1903 - Secretary of the Bill Posters National Alliance
March 22 1903 Pittsburgh Weekly Gazette
1916 - Listed as a stagehand in City Directory
We know he worked for the Harry Copping Shows before working for Cetlin & Wilson - this announcement appeared in the billboard in 1917. It announces the opening of the Harry Copping shows in Reynoldsville Pa.
1917 - General Manager Arena Show
May 1917 - In The Billboard
also in the same publication, a few pages later -
1917 Draft Card
On his WW1 Draft card
Occupation - Showman, Employers Name: Self.
Place of Employment - No definite place
Nearest relative - Wife
Address 518 6th avenue, Pittsburgh PA
1918 - General Agent with Harry Copping Shows
Approximately 1918-1932
For 14 years prior to joining Celtin & Wilson
He joined Celtin & Wilson approximately 1932
1928 - Harry's Brother Dies in Accident
In 1928 Harry's brother Walter Warrenton Dunkel fell off a pike and fractured his skull.
(there was probably an article in the papers?)
Walter left a wife Rachel (McClary) Dunkel, two daughters: Thelma & Helen, and a son Sherwood. In 1943 when Harry died, Thelma & Helen are the nieces listed as attending his funeral in New York. (See notices under 1943 near end of this post). Helen married Wade Clark, and Thelma married Charles Wasmuth.
Harry was the informant for the death certificate.
1930 Census
Name: Harry W Dunkel
Birth Year: abt 1875
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Marital status: Single
Relation to Head of House: Lodger
Home in 1930: Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA
Map of Home: View Map
Street address: Penn ave and 6th
Ward of City: Second
Block: 22
House Number: 605
Dwelling Number: 29
Family Number: 29
Attended School: No
Able to Read and Write: Yes
Father's Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Mother's Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Occupation: amusement Business
Industry: Theatrical Show
Class of Worker: Wage or salary worker
Employment: Yes
In the 1930 census we find a full page under the name Fred L Klooz, in the 2nd ward, block 22, of Pittsburgh Pa.
Fred, age 61 is listed as head of household, wiht a home value of $6,500,000
His wife, age 58, and daughter (possible Mosie?) age 28 are listed with him.
Under them are listed 1 housekeeper (Mary Keaur age 64)
29 "guests" ranging in age from 21 to 68, and with birthplaces in Russia, Greece, Syria, Ohio, West Virginia, Illinois, Louisiana, New York, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, & Texas.
Their occupations rance from Engineer, mechanic, set engineers, agent, commercial traveler, and more.
Under the 29 guests appear 3 lodgers, including a nurse, from Russia, A salesman from New York, and Heny William Dunkle, a 58 year old single man with the occupation of "Amusement Business" in the industry of "Theatrical Show."
The Cetlin Wilson Show Train in the 1950's
"He allegedly worked for the Celtin & Wilson Circus and was an entertainer of sorts"
From a circus history message board -
"The best overall reference on Cetlin & Wilson is the book by Bob Goldsack. His contact information can be found in the response to question 601. More detailed information is contained in the carnival coverage in the weekly publication "Billboard." The people often moved between shows, but there's no finding aid for carnival personnel at this time. There's a collection of carnival materials at the International Independent Showmens Foundation in Gibsonton, FL that might contain relevant materials."
Bob Goldstacks contact info in 2005 - Midway Publications, 70 Dublin Ave., Nashua, NH 03063. Tel # 603-883-9405 - If not in leave message and I'll get back to you. Bob Goldsack
"Fred Heatley, Robert Spivey and I have been collectively researching the Cetlin and Wilson Shows all summer long. What started out as a request to write an article for the Carnival Model Builders magazine turned into a major project. I started out borrowing the Bob Goldsack book from my friend Hal Guyon and wanted to write an article about things that might not be in the book. 18 pages of typing later, I believe it's too large for an article. I have spoken to so many people this summer that had an involvement with the show or knew first hand what went on, it has been a real joy to do this. I just returned from a trip to Savannah where they showed for the last time, gathering more information and photos. We hope to have it ready to publish sometime next year. For every answer we get to one of our questions, it seems to open another question. Trust me, there are plenty of unanswered questions also. We are now concentrating on the final year of existence in 1968. We have learned many things never heard of before and none has ever been in print so it should make for a Historically accurate accounting of the shows progress through the years. Just for the record, Issy Cetlin and Jack Wilson started their partnership in 1928. They bought their train in 1945 and closed Nov.3, 1968 still travelling by train although both Mr. Cetlin and Mr. Wilson had passed away by then. "

I'm unsure which year this poster is from.
1932 - Began working with Cetlin & William
An article in April of 1943 states that he is beginning his 11th year with them.
"Carnival and circus life was tough. Cetlin & Wilson dumped their entire staff in the 1932-1933 season on the sidewalk in the deep south. " https://www.cmich.edu/library/clarke/ResearchResources/Michigan_Material_Statewide/Circuses_and_Carnivals/Pages/Carnival-Performers.aspx
1936 - Mention In The Greater Show World
Greater Show World, April, 1936, Vol. XIX, No. 3
1942 - Mention In The Billboard
1943 - Sargent Of Arms American Carnival Association
I'm not sure of the dates, but in June of 1943 the editor of the Billboard mentions that the postion is open following the death of Harry Dunkel
Ad in the March 1943 edition of The Billboard
1943 - Attended a Funeral In New York
March 20 1943
Article on page 34 of The Billboard
1943 - Beginning his 11th Year With Cetlin & William
The article beside this photo states that they were In Petersburg Va on April 10th 1943.
Moving to Baltimore Maryland next.
1943 - Harry W. Dunkel Died
Died May 21 943
obit appeared on page 32 of the Billboard,
May 29 1943
The June 5th 1943 edition of The Billboard mentioned Harry's nieces attending his funeral.
The Billboard
June 5, 1943
Henry William Dunkel is buried in the showmans section of Ferncliff Cemetery, In New York.
Find a grave listing -
The National Showmen's Association owns its own cemetery plots in the Ferncliff Cemetery in Hartsdale, New York. They are located in the section known as St. Peters, and are made prominent by a bronze statue of a lion, the symbol of the National Showmen's Association.
Section PETENS
Sub Section
Site 91
Property Status Interred
Site Information GRAVE
Service No. 11377
Service Date 25 May 1943
Last Name Dunkel
First Name Harry William
Cetlin & Wilson circus was in Michigan - in 1958. Long after Harry's death. But it's possible this was a regular route for them...
Traverse City Record-Eagle
(Traverse City, Michigan)
04 Aug 1958, Mon • Page 15
1950 - 4th consecutive year in Iona Michigan