Genealogy has become a hobby for me over the last 10 years. For me, it's like a puzzle, I love fitting the pieces together. But over the years, I've researched a lot that does not pertain to our family lines. Some for extended family, some for close friends, and some because I was trying to rule out lines to figure out where our line went exactly. I do not want these notes on my Heather's Genealogy Notes blog - because they are not our lines. But I do like to share all of my research, in case it benefits others. That is what this blog is for - research I have done that does not apply to our own family lines, but may be helpful for someone else.

Monday, December 31, 2018

Joseph W Schreffler 1811–1886

In my search for who the parents of are Sarah Schreffler who married John Christian Oberdorf - researching Joseph to rule him out as her father.  The 1880 Census DOES rule him out - he has a daughter Sarah, but she was born 10 years after our Sarah.

Joseph W Schreffler
Son of Godfried & Eve Schreffler
Born  22 SEP 1811 • Berks, Pennsylvania, United States
Died 5 JUL 1886 • Point, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, United States
Sarah Dreiblis
Daughter of
Born 1811
Died 1910

Mary Schreffler
Isaac D Schreffler 1843-1921
Sarah Schrefller
Louisa Schreffler

1811 Joseph W. Schreffler is Born
Godfried Schreffler. the grandfather of Daniel s. Schreffler, was a farmer in Northumberland county, owning the farm in Washington township which is now the property of Andrew Adams. He is buried in that township, at the Himmel Church. and was a Lutheran in religious connection. He was a tall man and dark complexioned. To him and his wife Eve (Lebo) were born children as follows: Joseph; Godfried; John; Daniel; Mrs. Michael Docker: Susanna. Mrs. John Snyder; and Elizabeth, Mrs. Nicholas Adam. - Floyds History of Northumberland County

1843 Son Isaac D. Schreffler was born

1880 Census

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Report issue
Name: Joseph Shreffler
[Joseph Schreffler] 
Age: 48
Birth Year: abt 1812
Gender: Male
Birth Place: Pennsylvania
Home in 1860: Upper Paxton, Dauphin, Pennsylvania
Post Office: Millersburg
Dwelling Number: 102
Family Number: 102
Occupation: Farmer
Real Estate Value: 4500
Personal Estate Value: 1300
Household Members:
Name Age
Joseph Shreffler 48
Sarah Shreffler 49
Mary Shreffler 18
Isaac Shreffler 17
Sarah Ann Shreffler 13
Louisa Shreffler 12



From Floyd's History Of Northumberland County

DANIEL S. SCHREFFLEE, now living in 
partial retirement at Leek Kill, in Upper Ma- 
hanoy township, was for a number of years en- 
gaged successfully in farming on the south side 
..I lane Mountain, and he is one of the most sub- 
stantial and highly esteemed residents of that sec- 
tion, where he has passed all his life. 

The Schreffler family of eastern Pennsylvania 
claims as its founder in America Hcinrich 
Schfoffler, who settled in the borough of Reading, 
Berks county, at an early date. His will, on 
record in Will Book A. page 83, in the Berks 
county courthouse, was made April 25. 1783, he 
"being old and weak in body," and was probated 
Sept. 6, 17S4. Apparently he died in the summer 
of 1784. He made his mark on the document, and 
his sons Christian and Godfriedl las the name 
was spelled in the will) were appointed executors, 
bnong the items was one to (he ell'e.t thai 
George "shall have my fine stocking weaver loom, 
with all belongings.'" The son Conrad died be- 
fore his father, and his son, also name. I Conrad, 
obtained his father's share of the inheritance. To 
lleinrich and Magdalena Schroffler were born the 
following children: Christian, Henry. Godfried, 
Carl. George ami ( lonrad. The son t Irrisl ian 
lived in the borough of Reading m L790, in which 
year lie was the head of a family consisting oi 
himself, wife, three sons under sixteen years oi 
ami the i daughters. 

Godfried Schrefflei , son of I [einrich ( Henrj i . 
was a farmer in Bethel township, Berks county. 
lie made his will in IMl an. I .lid in L812. Tlie 
executors of his will were his sons John and God- 
fried, his family consisting of nine children, 
namek : John, Godfried, Peter, i feorge, I lonrad, 
Catharine (married Simon Smeltzer), Polly 
i married John Fochl ). Bets} ( married John 
(.'roll' i and Hannah (unmarried ). 


Godfried Schreffler. the grandfather of Daniel 
s. Schreffler, was a farmer in Northumberland 
county, owning the farm in Washington township 
which is now the property of Andrew Adams. He 
is buried in that township, at the Himmel Church. 
and was a Lutheran in religious connection. He 
was a tall man and dark complexioned. To him 
and his wife Eve (Lebo) were born children as 
follows: Joseph; Godfried; John; Daniel; Mrs. 
Michael Docker: Susanna. Mrs. John Snyder; 
and Elizabeth, Mrs. Nicholas Adam. 

John Schreffler, son of Godfried and Eve ( Lebo I 
. was born in 1819 in Dauphin county. 
Pa,, and died in 1894. He and his wife, Salome 
(Rebuck), who died in 1893, aged seventy-three 
years." are buried at the Himmel Church. He 
owned an eighty-acre farm situated on the - 
side of Line Mountain, in Washington township. 
to the cultivation of which he devoted the major 
part of his life. In August, 1863, he enlisted for 
nine months' service in the Civil war. His family 
was a large one, namely: Harry married Ik 
Bergner; Lovina married John Falck : Urias 
married Mary Perster; Katie married Jai es 3i 
er; John married Amanda Eetrich; Hiram mar- 
ried Malinda Rebuck; Nathan married Mary Mil- 
ler: Mary married Joel Mattern; Fietta married 
Enoch Mattern; Elias is unmarried: Frank mar- 
ried Malinda Rebuck and (second) Lydia Drum- 

Urias Schreffler, son of John and S: (Re- 

buck) Schreffler. is a farmer in Washington town- 
ship, this county. 11 is children are: James, 
Charles. Levi, Jay and Ida. 

Daniel Schreffler, son of Godfried and Eve 
(Lebo) Schreffler, was born Sept. '.'. I s '.';. in the 

lower seel »1 Northumberland county, and was 

reared in Washington township, where Andrew 
Adam now lives. He was a lifelong farmer, for 
many years living and working in Upper Maha- 
noy township, where he owned the tract of seventy- 
seven acres now owned by Malinda Schreffler. He 
served as supervisor of his township, and was well 
known in fraternal circles, belonging to the local 
organizations of the I. 0. 0. F. and P. 0. S. of A. 
until they were disbanded, lie and his family 
were Lutheran members of St. John's Church, 
where he ami his two wives are buried. His first 
marriage was to Sallie Schankweiler. who was 
born ( >ct 30, 1825, ami died March 19, 1882. His 
second wife, Dina (Bohner). was born Sept. 22, 
1833, and died Dec. 26, L907. Mr. Schreffler 
passed away March 4. 1908. All his children were 
horn to his first marriage, viz.: John: William: 
Lizzie, who married Silas Lister: James S. ; Mary, 
who married Joel Reitz; Andrew, who died 
young; Daniel S. ; Sarah, who married John Kahl- 
er: a son that died in infancy: Elias, who died 
young : and Henry. 

John Schreffler. eldest son of Daniel and Sallie 

(Schankweiler) Schreffler. was horn in 1851. He 
grew up on the home farm and attended the coun- 
try schools. After his marriage to Caroline 
Kieffer, in 18T3, he purchased a farm in Wash- 
on township, and there resided until the time 
of his death, following agricultural work. He was 
the father of these children: Andrew, who mar- 
ried Martha Rebuck: Mima, who married Cyrus 
Moyer; Callie. who married Lewis Rebuck: Sam- 
uel, who married Jemima Demmoyer : Etta, who 
married Samuel Kieffer; Katie." who married 
Adam Drumheller; Dora, who married David 
Reitz; Jane, who married Daniel Reitz: David, 
Sallie ami Mazy, all three deceased: John and 

Mr. Schreffler was a prominent factor in the 

Eimmel Lutheran Church, of which he was 

trustee I'm- a number of years. He was school 

director for years, also supervisor for a number of 

-. In polities he was a Democrat. 

•lame- S. Schreffler, son of Daniel and Sallie 
Schreffler, was horn Sept. 2, 1854, and spent his 
early years at farm work. When nineteen he be- 
gan to learn the blacksmith's trade, which he fol- 
lowed regularly for about two year-, and has con- 
tinued to work at it off and on ever since. In the 
spring of 1879 he commenced to farm at his 
on m Upper Mahanoy township, hav- 
n_ a tracl of sixty-six acres along the south side 
of Line Mountain, at the head of Greenbrier creek. 
It was formerly the property of Jacob Shank- 
weiler, who built the house and barn in 1852, 
burning the brick he used from clay obtained in 
the meadow above the house. Mr. Schreffler has 
been quite active in the work of the Democratic 
party m his section, has served a- election officer, 
ami was a member of the township school board 
for nine years. He has been an active member of 
the Lutheran congregation at St. John's Church 
for a number of years, and is at present serving as 
trustee: he was formerly a deacon. His family 
aiv also identified with this church. 

On March 0. 1879, Mr. Schreffler married Sarah 
Jane Falck, and to their union have been born 
six children, as follow-: Daniel 0. died in his 
eighth year: Mazy C. died in her ninth rear: 
Charles M. married Xealla Paul; Katie A. married 
William Fetherolf; Edward L. is a school teacher 
in Upper Mahanoy township: Emma A. died in 
her sixth year. 

Daniel S. Schreffler was horn Dee. 26, 1860, -on 
of Daniel arid Sallie Schreffler. He worked with 
in- father until he attained his majority, in the 
spring "f iss-> becoming a tenant farmer in Lower 
Augusta township, where he remained for six 
vears. Moving across the Line Mountain into 
Washington township, he farmed near Rebuck 
for the next three years, in the spring of 1890 pur- 
chasing his uncle's farm of Mt acres, good land, 
where he lived until he retired from the more 



arduous work of life. He built the dwelling and 
summer house now standing on that property and 
made a number of other improvements which ma- 
terially added to its value,, having a well kepi 
farm, which he sold in the fall of 1909. Ee thru 
purchased a residence in which his father lived 
and died, at Leek Kill, and moved there in the 
spring of 1910. He has given up the more trying 
labors and is no\* spending his tune in partial re- 
tirement. Mr. Sehretller has taken considerable 
interest in the welfare of his locality, and served 
efficiently as school director for one 'term of three 
years and as auditor for many years. In politics 
he i- a Democrat, in religion a Lutheran member 
id' St. John's Church, in which his family also 

In issl Mr. Sehretller married Hattie Eister, 
daughter of Peter and Mary (Buhner) Eister, of 
Augusta township, this county, and they have four 
children : Mary E., now the wife of Lewis Snyder; 
William .1.. who married Jennie Snyder and lived 
in Upper Mahano] township; Daniel E., and 
Carrie XL